As the whirlwind settles, I reflect on how I got here:
Dave and I arrived on July 1st at our new home with a fun welcome dance by dear sister Kate (and she made us a big Welcome sign too)!!

On July 3rd, we were rewarded (Thank you Barb & Rollie!!!) with the most fantastical delivery. This "bouquet" of pineapple & strawberries was not only delicious but was ENTIRELY edible! I documented the deconstruction of this masterpiece (yes, that is a head of iceberg lettuce) and encourage you to check out
Edible Arrangements!!

July 7th - 13th: We continue the process of unpacking; I attend a largely pointless new employee orientation at the VA for my internship; Dave interviewed (successfully) at Sandia!
July 14th - 19th: Dave headed back to Troy to finish out his job at RPI and I took on my first week of internship. There was a lot of finagling with my schedule. I sat in on a number of groups and got oriented to my first two rotations in Behavioral Medicine and Men's PTSD Clinic. The workload was not at all heavy but I ended the week just totally exhausted in every way. Being at work all day and coming home to complete an endless list of tasks and errands so as to finish the last 10-20% of the unpacking and organizing was just TOO MUCH!!
Two unrelated issues that I have to mention:
1) STORAGE: For anyone who is considering moving to a climate/region where bugs, and particularly cockaroaches, are a problem... storing anything in a cardboard box is out of the question because cardboard is "cockaroacha candy". Thus, we have invested in numerous huge Tupperware bins and have recycled/given away a thousand boxes (thanks to Craigslist).
2) URGENCY: I am someone who operates most of the time with a sense of urgency, likely related to free-floating and first-week-of-internship-related anxiety. My new supervisor in BMed picked up pretty quickly on my "sense of urgency" and yes he did use those words exactly. It was a much needed reminder that I MUST protect my time and energy by PACING myself so that I don't burn out or die of exhaustion. Any insights on how to do this are welcome.