Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Continuing Mission...

Here I go. I am not good at this. It is like picking out new earrings. I look and look and look but can never decide on one pair so I end up buying nothing and feel as though it was a big waste of time!

I have many ideas for blogposts but tend to filter and edit myself so much (I am doing it right now) that I end up no where with no product to show for all my effort. Perhaps it is my natural analytic way of being. Perhaps a tinge of perfectionism?

I started this post with a video clip of the Star Trek Intro (see below) because I find the theme song so classic and it fits with the whole theme of my blog: new adventures.

But then I thought... Theme Songs... What a great idea for a post. I also love the Intro to BSG. It evokes anticipation, excitement, curiosity, energy, action! These are all good things to have when going on adventures!

So here I am in the midst of what I will call my "blog process" and I slowly begin to realize that this IS what it is all about! It is the journey I am here for... the moment where and when I stop trying to make sense of it all and just be here now!

Ponder this...

I often think of myself as a leaf on a stream - going with the flow wherever the water takes me. However, the surface of the water is usually turbulent and there are many obstacles that can catch you up when you are a leaf.

Beneath the water it is quiet. The deeper you go beneath the surface... the calmer it gets. What is it like to be a pebble at the bottom of the water? What might I observe about myself and the world if I wasn't stuck in the surface current of the river?


Peter said...

R'uh roh, another family blog! Looking forward to seeing you guys in a week.

Rollie Littlewood said...

Been here - read this!

(You said I had to leave a comment, but this is the best I can do this afternoon.)
